Most of the time that we travel, we travel by airplane. When you live at the bottom of a peninsula like we do, the fastest way out is by plane! Over the years, we’ve developed our own travel hacks to make our trips as smooth as possible. Start preparing for your next trip a few days in advance using this list. Here are our best air travel hacks.

A Few Days Ahead
Update Playlists Ahead of Time
Every time we’re getting ready to travel, I encourage the boys to create a new playlist. They love to listen to music in the airport, on the airplane and even in car when we’re traveling, so it’s nice to have a few new songs. Check your local library for CDs with your favorite songs and then import them into iTunes. We also use points from rewards clubs to purchase iTunes gift cards or gift each other Amazon gift cards to download new music.
Download Books, Movies, and Apps
It’s also a great idea to download any digital books, movies, games and other apps that you might want on your trip. You often have to pay for wifi on board a plane and may not have it at your destination, so getting all of these things ready ahead of time will make for a smoother trip.
Check Discount Stores for Travel Accessories
If you need luggage locks, luggage tags, travel bottles or a travel pillow, check your local Walmart, Target, TJ Maxx or Marshalls. This is especially good if you realize you need a lock the day before a trip and even as fast as Amazon is, they can’t get it to you in just a few hours. Plus, they often have these items in stock at a discount and may even give you ideas of other things you’ve forgotten! Check out my list of Travel Essentials for other things you’ll want for your trip.
Pack Toiletries in a Checked Bag or Pack Travel Sizes
Anything that is liquid in your carryon bag needs to be less than 3.4 oz, so either pack toiletries in your checked back or use travel sizes. You can use refillable 3.4 oz bottles or even hotel toiletries from another trip.
Gather Trip Information
Put all of your trip information – airline confirmation number, rental car reservation, lodging locations and activity tickets – in one place. You can use your phone’s calendar, an electronic app like Tripit or just print everything out and put it together.
I use the free version of Tripit and e-mail all of our trip details in to my account as we plan them so that it’s always in one place. Tripit will automatically create a trip file and you can even share it with anyone who you’re traveling with or who you want to have your trip details. The paid version offers more benefits, but we’ve never felt the need to upgrade. A cool side benefit is that they’ll keep track of your travels. To date, I’ve used Tripit to keep track of the details on 58 trips to 97 cities in 9 countries!

The Day Before
Check in Online
Set an alarm and check in for your flight 24 hours ahead of time. If you’re flying Southwest, your boarding position is determined by what time you check in, so you’ll want to be right on time. If you’re flying another airline, you may be able to make seat selections and purchase discounted baggage when you check in. Print your boarding pass or add a digital copy to your phone’s Wallet for easy access at the airport.
Put Bright Ribbon on your Bag
If you are checking bags, consider tying a bright ribbon on your bag to make it more noticeable when it comes out on the conveyor belt. There’s nothing worse than searching for a black suitcase on a belt filled with black suitcases, but if yours is the one with a neon green ribbon, it’s easier to find!
Take a Picture of Your Checked Bags
Once you’re packed up, take a quick picture of your checked bags on your phone. On the off chance that your luggage doesn’t arrive when you do, you’ll be able to show the photo to the baggage claim attendant. We’ve been very lucky with luggage, but the one time the airline lost our luggage it was tremendously helpful to have that picture ready to go.

Pack Ziplock Bags
Whether you’re planning to make meals when you’re away or not, throw a few ziplock bags into your carryon. They can be used if someone doesn’t finish their lunch, if their favorite toy dropped onto the airplane floor, or you need a place to store loose change to get through security.
Don’t Forget Airplane Headphones
If you’re traveling on an airline that offers movies or other inflight entertainment, make sure you have headphones with a round jack that will work in your armrest. Your iPhone headphones may not be compatible, and you won’t be able to use Bluetooth headphones with the airplane entertainment system.
Help Kids Pack Activities
Help your kids pack a few things in their own backpack to do on the plane. We always pack a blanket, headphones, portable charger with charging cord and their music along with a few snacks and a book. We also pack an activity book or two and a pencil or crayons (you can get these at the dollar store). They also pack toys for our destination, but rarely use them on the plane. Read about ways kids can help you get ready for your trip all on their own.
Know the Rules
If you’re not sure if you can bring something through security, check the TSA website. They have a good list of what you can and cannot bring. We brought bug spray on a trip once and the TSA agent pulled it and said I couldn’t have it. I had specifically checked this the day before so I let him know that I had checked their website. He called over a supervisor who confirmed that it was okay. He would have thrown it away had I not checked ahead of time. Also, if you are traveling with small children, they can bring in bottles of formula, juice or water. They will have to be opened and tested, but they are allowed.
Charge Up
Make sure your phones, tablets, laptops, etc. are charged up before you go to bed so that you’ll be ready to go for your trip.

The Day You Travel
Pack Snacks
Since COVID, many airlines are not providing the same snacks they used to and some carriers, like Allegiant, don’t even give you water. So pack a few snacks ahead of time or even sandwiches. It’s better to have food ready and not need it than be 10,000 feet up and starving!
Bring Your Own Water Bottle
We’ve all learned that you can’t bring a bottle of water through security, but you should always bring an empty water bottle. We’ve done this for years and filled the bottles at with two large bottles of water from the convenience store by the gate. In the past two years, we’ve noticed that almost every airport has a water bottle refilling station now. As soon as we’re through security, the boys start looking for the refill station and get us all filled up. It’s usually by the bathrooms, but at one airport it was actually right next to security, which was so convenient!
Grab your masks
Whether you’ve been vaccinated or not, everyone in an airport or traveling by airplane is required by federal law to wear a mask. Pack an extra in case you need a replacement during your travels.
Wear Jackets and Socks
Jackets or heavy sweaters take up a lot of space in your bag, so consider wearing them on the flight instead. You can always store jackets in the overhead compartment. Most people are required to remove their shoes to go through security, so wear socks. Otherwise you’re walking barefoot through the metal detector. Children under 12 do not have to remove their shoes, but children in a stroller will need to be removed from the stroller so it can go on the conveyor belt.

Prepare Your Carry-on for Security and the Flight
Do your best to prepare to go through security ahead of time. When you pack your bag, make sure your laptop or other items you’ll need to access in line are easy to get to. Also, you’ll need to remove keys, loose change, your watch, belt and other items to go through security, so put those into your bag ahead of time. And, if you know there are things you will need on the flight – like tissues or snacks – have those easily accessible in your bag so that when you’re on board you can find them.
Have Hand Sanitizer Available
No matter how careful you are, you will touch a lot of things going through an airport. Have hand sanitizer attached to your carryon bag so that you can easily access it throughout your trip and make sure everyone else has some too! Consider bringing Lysol wipes to wipe down the airplane seat and table too.
Be Travel Ready
If you’re someone who gets airsick, make sure you take your medicine with enough time for it to work for your flight or get your travel patches on before you board.
Find a Quiet Gate
Most people want to sit as close to the gate door as possible. Consider sitting a gate over, where there will be less people. You’ll be able to spread out a little and you’ll be close enough to hear if your flight is called.
These are our 20+ best air travel hacks. What are your favorites? Let me know in the comments.